St Mary's Church Halls were opened in November 1996 as a resource both for the church and the local community. There are two halls: a large one (holding up to 150 people) available for hire for meetings or social events such as birthday parties, and a smaller, carpeted room (for around 20-25) for group meetings or talks. There is a well-equipped kitchen adjoining the large hall.
The halls are regularly used during the week by various groups serving the community in a variety of ways.
Booking fees are £50 per hour for the large hall and £25 for the smaller, with special rates negotiable for community groups and charities.
A brochure giving full details of facilities, conditions and prices is available in church or from the Parish Office.
St Mary’s Parish Office
1 The Mount
Acton High Street
London W3 9NW
Tel. 020 8993 0422
The Parish Office is open 8-4 on Monday to Friday.