Church Opening Times


10:30-12:30 Monday to Thursday







Parish Office Opening Times


8:00-16:00 Monday to Friday


We are here to serve our community in Acton



8:00 BCP Eucharist

10.30 Sung Eucharist (With Junior Church) - First Sunday of the Month - All Age Eucharist

First Thursday of the Month

11:00 Eucharist, followed by a soup lunch

New Electoral Roll - 2025

This year, we are compiling a new Electoral Roll, which means that everyone must come off the current roll and reapply if they wish to be included, even if their name has been on the roll for many years.

We will begin collecting physical applications this Sunday the 16th of March and continue until the 6th of April.

Why is this important?

Your name must be on the Electoral Roll if you wish to:
✔ Vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on 11th May
✔ Stand for election as a Churchwarden
✔ Stand for election to the PCC and other church roles
✔ Nominate or second someone for the above elections
✔ Formally belong to and support the life of the Church

To make this process as easy as possible, we have printed forms available at the back of the church and in the parish office. You can also click the link below to download them. The completed form must reach the parish office by the 6th of April by emailing it to the parish office email here.

Word: New Electoral Roll Form - Word PDF New Electoral Roll Form - PDF

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