


Service times are 8.00am and 10.30am on Sundays

All Age Service first Sunday of the month

Holy Communion 11.00am on the first Thursday of the month


Joseph Fernandes – new Prebendary

Joseph, our new Rector, is one of six new Prebendaries installed at St Paul’s Cathedral in May. This is an honorary role in addition to his role as a parish priest.

Prebendaries are appointed by the Bishop after consultation with the Dean of St Paul’s in recognition of their work in the Diocese. As part of the roles in the Greater Chapter of St Paul’s, they are each given their own stall in the quire, are invited to preach once a year and are given a portion of the Psalms to recite each day. They also play a valuable role in maintaining the Cathedral’s close links with the parishes of the London Diocese.

The Bishop of London, The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally, said:

“I’m pleased to announce these six clergy members as Prebendaries of St Paul’s Cathedral, in recognition of their outstanding work in the Diocese of London. Their range of experience and different ministries will provide a good platform for them to succeed in their roles at St Paul’s. I have no doubt that they will make sure that they will make an extremely valuable contribution to the Cathedral in the years to come.”

The Dean of St Paul’s, the Very Revd Andrew Tremlett, said:

“Prebendaries play a vital role in the life of the Cathedral, and so I am thrilled to welcome these six new members to St Paul’s in recognition of their dedication and contribution to the Diocese. Their unwavering commitment to serving both their communities and Christ is an example to us all, and I pray that they will bring to the Cathedral their gifts for leadership and ministry.”

The press release made special mention of Joseph’s work as Diocesan Chaplain for the Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Communities.

Those of you will long memories will recall that a previous Rector of St Mary’s, Jackie Fox, was also a Prebendary at St Paul’s.



All Saints 

We are not as yet re-opening All Saints.  We encourage those of you who normally attend there to join with the services at St Mary's for the time being.


Keeping Safe

With Covid infections still around, here's a reminder of what we all need to do to keep safe when attending church:

  • sanitize your hands on entry
  • follow directions from the sidespeople when coming up to the front of the church
  • stay home if you are feeling unwell and think you might be infectious.



Morning Prayer is on Zoom at 9:30am on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.


Ealing Foodbank

We are again collecting contributions for the Ealing Foodbank. There are crates at the back of church where non-perishable groceries can be left - these will  be transferred to the Foodbank at least weekly.



The Revd. Preb. Joseph Fernandes (Rector) 020 8896 0151 / 07999 053433



The Revd. Christopher Henley (Associate Vicar)


The Revd. Jeanny Wang (Assistant Curate)




[The Revd. Dean Ayres (Associate Rector)

on secondment]


Parish office: 07485 933193



13th June

Induction and Collation of Joseph Fernandes


Jeanny Wang


New Bible Study groups

Upcoming Events

Thursday 24th October
8:00pm -
Sunday 27th October
8:00am -
10:30am -
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